1 in 5 vehicles in the UK in 2022 have eCall

1 in 5 vehicles on UK roads in 2022 have eCall

What started as a trickle is turning to a stream.

Since 2018 all new approved cars and vans sold in Europe and the UK have been fitted with eCall as standard. Initially take up was limited across vehicle manufacturers and models, but as models of most cars and vans are replaced by the latest eCall-fitted vehicles, the penetration of eCall is now growing rapidly.

In 2022 we calculate that 7.4 million cars and vans in the UK could be fitted with eCall. HM Government tells us that there were 39.2 million licenced vehicles in the UK. Today we estimate that about 20% of all UK vehicles, 1 in 5, has eCall. And this will only go up.

We estimate that 1 in 5 of UK vehicles have eCall

And this means that the number of emergencies reported by eCall are going up too. Our emergency responders need to be ready to manage this growing source of incident notifications. VESOS's TeCall platform is designed for this very purpose. To filter, enhance, prioritise and forward the stream of growing eCall alerts to those who need it fast. 

eCall is here. VESOS can help you be ready to use the full potential.