Danny Woolard

Danny Woolard

Danny Woolard
Automotive technology has bought major benefits to the reduction in road deaths and serious injuries, we can however do more!

Danny is an engineer by background with a background in GNSS navigation and wireless communications. He established his original systems integration business which developed and deployed the first commercial broadcast traffic service based on RDS-TMC in the UK and played a significant industry role in the commercial role out of Traffic Information Services in the European market, both commercially and in European industry groups. 

Danny chaired the Industry TMC Forum for 4 years where he played an active role in the Forums merger with the TPEG Forum to create what is now TISA (Traveller Information Services Association). 

His experience extends to work in Europe and Australia where he has undertaken roles in market and system development, operations and business development. 

As a passionate road-safety technology advocate, he has undertaken a number of consultancy projects specialising in the use of eCall in both Stopped Vehicle Detection, Incident detection and management.